Sharp Objects !!LINK!!
Any sharp objects in checked bags should be sheathed or securely wrapped to prevent injury to baggage handlers and inspectors. These items are required to be placed in checked bags with or without blades.
Sharp Objects
Instead of rushing right in, consider your own safety and the safety of others before just throwing sharp objects in the trash. Each year, Building Services staff report injuries due to sharp objects puncturing a trash bag during trash removal.
Aichmophobia is an intense fear of sharp objects. It's a type of anxiety disorder. A person with aichmophobia experiences intense fear and anxiety when they are around sharp objects like scissors, knives, needles and pencils. They often avoid situations or places where sharp objects are involved.
Aichmophobia is the fear of sharp objects in general. Sharp objects can include things like knives, scissors, needles, sharp corners and pins. Trypanophobia is the fear of injections or needles specifically, especially in a medical setting.
People with phobias often go to extreme lengths to avoid situations that involve what they are afraid of. If a person with aichmophobia is not able to avoid sharp objects and is exposed to or is near sharp objects, they may experience the following symptoms:
If you have aichmophobia and participate in exposure therapy, your therapist or psychologist may begin with talking about and showing you pictures of sharp objects. They may then gradually move on to having you be in a room with sharp objects. Next, they may have you hold a sharp object and then use a sharp object. The process of exposure therapy is slow and gradual. Your therapist or psychologist will tailor the pace of the therapy to your needs.
If you have aichmophobia, know that you are not alone. Many people all over the world have a phobia. Although it can be difficult and scary, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider and seek treatment for your phobia. Aichmophobia can make you uncomfortable around everyday objects like scissors and kitchen knives that you might commonly find in work, home and school environments. It could also prevent you from getting important medical care like getting shots, critical treatments and necessary blood draws. Everyone deserves to have a high quality of life. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you will feel better.
Intuitively, it made sense. The miniseries delves into the traumatic memories of alcoholic journalist Camille (Amy Adams), who returns to her small town in Missouri to cover the murders of two teenage girls, only to slowly discover a horrifying link to her own dark past through flashbacks. Reminders occur everywhere, through the associations of objects, reflections, the trick of the light, and other sense memory jolts. The dysfunctional relationship with her domineering, socialite mother, Adora (Patricia Clarkson) is merely the kickstart for the more toxic atmosphere that inhabits the not-so-sleepy Wind Gap.
Actually, it's anything but; there are as many abusers as abused among the female characters, and the sharp zigs and zags among them are a bit part of what made it such a compelling novel. Flashes of that can't-put-it-down storytelling are still visible here and there through the overwritten and over-edited debris. That's why I watched five episodes of the seven HBO provided, even as I gritted my teeth the whole time. Color me half-concussed, and sinking fast.
Aims: To estimate the proportion of survivors of potentially lethal suicide attempts with sharp objects who have a diagnosis of psychotic illness, and the proportion of those patients who had never received treatment for psychosis with antipsychotic medication.
Conclusions: Psychosis is strongly associated with potentially lethal suicide attempts using sharp objects and patients who have never received treatment for psychosis appear to be at particular risk.
Parents need to know that Sharp Objects deals with mature and possibly disturbing themes: the disappearance and murder of two tween girls; the sudden death of a young girl and its aftermath; characters who drink to deal with their emotional issues, and who self-harm, plucking out eyelashes compulsively and cutting themselves with the sharp objects of the series' title. Violence is not typically gory but may be particularly upsetting: We see the dead bodies of the young girls, one streaked with blood and unnaturally pale in an alley, one in her casket at a funeral surrounded by grieving relatives. We also hear the details of a teen girl's murder, and her father says he's relieved she wasn't raped and he prefers that she died rather than be raped. Alcohol use is frequent, as characters deal with emotional upsets by drinking and often appear sloppy and shaky. We see one character drinking in many situations, including at a bar and before and after driving -- at one point, she drinks until she passes out in her car, though she'd been planning on driving home. This character and others smoke cigarettes. Teens shoplift vodka from a store and hide it in soda bottles to drink covertly. Rhythmic arm movements and orgasmic moans convey that a woman is masturbating; ripped-out, taped-up pages from hard-core porn magazines show couples having sex. Rough language includes "f---ing," "s--t," "hell," "damn," "goddamn," and "a--hole." 041b061a72